Both progressive and sudden hearing loss can raise many practical and emotional concerns for people. Below are useful links to resources that can help people cope with the impact of hearing loss. If you do not find what you are looking for from the below resources, you could try visiting BC211 at
Financial Assistance
- Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction (MSDPR)
- Canada Pension Plan Disability Benefits (CPP-D)
- Employment Insurance (EI) Sick Benefits
- Medical Expense Tax Credit
- Disability tax credit (DTC)
- Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP)
- Home Owners Additional Grant
- Third Party Payers
- WorkBC Assistive Technology
- Hearing Aids Funding Support
- Telus Mobility for Good
- Fuel Tax Refund for Persons With Disabilities
- Autoplan Disability Discount
- Shelter Aid for Elderly Renters (SAFER)
- BC Rent Bank
- Quest Food Exchange