Financial Assistance
Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction (MSDPR)
Provides B.C. residents in financial need with a system of financial supports; only for those who meet the financial eligibility criteria based on income and assets.
Canada Pension Plan Disability Benefits (CPP-D)
A taxable monthly payment that is available to people who have contributed to the CPP and who are not able to work regularly because of a disability.
Employment Insurance (EI) Sick Benefits
EI provides sickness benefits to those who are unable to work because of sickness or injury.
Medical Expense Tax Credit
A non-refundable tax credit that can be claimed for a wide range of medical and related expenses such as health care services, travel expenses (transportation, meals and accommodation) home renovations to install medical equipment, drugs, dental services and health insurances.
Disability tax credit (DTC)
A non-refundable tax credit that taxpayers with disabilities can use to reduce the amount of income tax they have to pay. It includes a supplement for children under 18. The credit can be back-dated to when you first qualified for a hearing disability.
Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP)
A federal program to help low income people and people on income assistance save money over the long-term through a combination of personal contributions (self, family), and federal contributions (grants, bonds).
MSP premiums were eliminated in January 2020.
MSP supplementary benefits provide partial payment for certain medical services obtained in British Columbia and may provide access to other income-based programs.
Home Owners Additional Grant
The home owner's grant reduces the amount of property taxes you pay each year on your principal residence. If you are a person living with a disability, you may be eligible to apply for an additional grant on top of the basic grant. To find out if you qualify and for more information click here.
Third Party Payers
A variety of funding options are available to offset the costs assocation with your Cochlear Implants.
WorkBC Assistive Technology
Assistive Technology Services provides equipment and devices to help individuals thrive in the workplace.
Hearing Aids Funding Support
Permanent Hearing Aid Loaner programs provide refurbished hearing aids for a nominal fee to those who cannot afford to purchase new hearing aids. Finanical eligibility will be determined by the program.
Telus Mobility for Good
Mobility for Good offers:
Free refurbished smartphones and plans for youth leaving foster care and Indigenous women at risk or surviving violence
Subsidized plans and the option to buy a discounted device from Mobile Klinik for low-income seniors
Subsidized plans for people with Disabilities and low-income families
Free smart phones and service to Indigenous women at risk or surviving violence
Fuel Tax Refund for Persons With Disabilities
Individuals with certain disabilities may apply for a refund of the provincial motor fuel tax they pay on gasoline, diesel or propane used in their vehicle.
Autoplan Disability Discount
If you've been approved for a fuel tax refund under the B.C. government Fuel Tax Refund Program for Persons with Disabilities, you may also qualify for a 25 per cent discount on your Basic Autoplan—even if you don't drive the vehicle you're insuring. Eligible drivers must bring appropriate documentation to their Autoplan broker's office to have the discount added to their policy.
Shelter Aid for Elderly Renters (SAFER)
The Shelter Aid for Elderly Renters (SAFER) program helps make rents affordable for BC seniors with low to moderate incomes. SAFER provides monthly cash payments to subsidize rents for eligible BC residents who are age 60 or over.
BC Rent Bank
Interest-free loans to help low-to-moderate income renters who are struggling to pay rent and/or essential utilities (gas/hydro).
Quest Food Exchange
Quest Food Exchange is a not-for-profit grocery store chain that addresses food insecurity by providing affordable grocery shopping at one of 5 lower mainland locations to address food insecurity